Who We Are

With over 12,000 projects under our belt, we have the experience and expertise to help you with yours. Beyond load calculations our background includes HVAC contracting, building performance testing and Commercial Test & Balance. Our goal is to help builders, contractors and architects to build the most efficient, healthy and comfortable home or building possible. It all starts with a good design! We're based out of Austin Texas but perform load calculations for homes and buildings all over the Country. 

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Andy Pell

Andy is a licensed HVAC professional and has a great interest and understanding of building science. His background and experience in the field have proven to be a great asset for working with homes and buildings that are on the more dynamic side.  Andy has worked for two HVAC companies over the years. He has also owns a successful building performance testing business. Andy utilizes a very “real world” approach and knows what works and what doesn’t. Andy holds the following certifications and accreditations- Texas HVAC Contractor's License (TACLA57315E),  NCI (National Comfort Institute) Certification, HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Certification, is a certified ICC Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner and is an expert with all Wrightsoft programs, REM/Rate, REScheck and IC3 software.


Coby Sackett

With more than a decade of HVAC design & building performance testing experience, Coby brings a plethora of knowledge and expertise to the team. He’s our go to guy for finding creative solutions to challenging HVAC design hurdles. Having tested the HVAC performance in thousands of homes and commercial buildings, Coby has had a unique opportunity to see first hand how different mechanical equipment, duct systems and all of their associated components perform in the real world. Coby holds the following certifications and accreditations- NCI (National Comfort Institute) Certification, HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Certification, BPI (Building Performance Institute) and is an expert with all Wrightsoft programs, REM/Rate, REScheck and IC3 software.